The cold never bothered Ice Queen Elsa of the kingdom of Arendelle, but the same can’t be said of us mortal humans who must survive extreme cold conditions without magic, unlike in the 2013 Disney animated film “Frozen.” During these dire times, most of us find ourselves wrapped up with so many layers of clothes just to protect us from the blistering cold, and it’s not only our bodies that need protecting, our pets, houses, cars, and so many more should be cared for when winter strikes.
Extreme coldness makes it hard to get out of bed, but we still have to do what needs to be done. It is during this time that you wish for Mr. Sun to just melt all the ice away, but of course, the season calls for continuous drop in temperature. Fret not, there certainly are a lot of hacks that can help you make it through the winter. Without further ado, here they are:
DIY Insulator

Deposit Photos | You can DIY bubble wrap to become an insulator
First and foremost, you need warmth inside the comfort of your home. There are plenty of ways to keep the cold from engulfing the whole house, including heaters, although of course, you would have to buy one first.
However, a cheaper alternative to this one requires the use of bubble wraps to cover the windows – spray water first on the panes and then stick the bubble wrap, which will effectively act as an insulator. Not only are you recycling, but you’re also keeping everyone inside the house warm!
Oven, Ceiling Fan
Speaking of home, cooking through an oven can be a great way to keep the house a little less chilly. If, for instance, you used the oven for a meal, leave the door of the appliance open to let off the warmth used from all the cooking be released onto the house.
That’s not all – you can also use ceiling fans to fight the coldness. It seems odd but there is a trick that can ultimately help the inhabitants of a house: all you have to do is to have the fan turn clockwise because warm air rises and then the blades will push this downward.
Self-protection with Food
This may sound unnecessary but it is highly important that you eat despite the cold weather. Not only will your body be needing extra energy to sweat, but you also need to strengthen your immune system to combat diseases that are common during cold days.
Some of which are cold, fever, cough, flu, and many more, so investing in the food you eat during this time should be done – it’s just going to feel chillier than the actual if you are sick, which is the opposite of what you want to happen.
On Dressing Up

Deposit Photos | Toss in the dryer your clothes before wearing them to make them warm
It’s really hard to take a bath during the cold times, but you should at least change clothes once in a while – spell hygiene! It’s irritating to have to remove the clothes that you have taken time to put heat on and change into new, fresh, and cold clothes, but it’s a must.
Don’t worry, there are a lot of ways to circumvent this. You can actually keep them warm before you wear them by throwing them into the dryer, so when it comes out, it will feel like you had worn it.
Second, you can always use the blower after you’ve worn clean clothes. Directly point the end where the air comes out to your body or where you feel you need most heating, like feet and hands. This way, you’re like getting a fan that spurs out warm air.
Windshield Wipers and Side Mirrors

Deposit Photos | Wrap your car’s windshield wipers with socks overnight
Meanwhile, your cars should be protected, too, especially if you’re heading out for the next day. Place socks over your windshield wipers so they won’t get damaged from the extreme coldness. This is especially helpful for those who leave out their vehicles parked outside the house and will also help save more money.
Speaking of cars, never forget about the side mirrors – ice that gets coated with frost is extremely hard to remove. The solution? Cover these with Ziploc bags or any plastic bags and secure with clothespins. Before heading out, make sure to remove the protection you’ve put in place.
If you prefer to walk instead of using your car to avoid slippery roads, you just have to coat your shoes with wax, perhaps a candle, and use a blow dryer to melt it off. That way you’ll basically have waterproof footwear that’s ideal for the weather! It will not only keep you from slipping, it will also help keep your feet warm.